Below are the details of the new features for firmware 32C and above:
Countdown alert [VESTA TravelShield Alert] [VESTA TravelShield Alert]
A new emergency alert feature with a countdown is available for primary and secondary users, allowing them to activate an alert before starting a journey they consider unsafe.
How it works?
- Activating the alert: Any SmartHomeSec user can activate this feature before starting a journey they consider unsafe or dangerous. When activating it, the user must select the estimated time it will take to complete the journey.
- Countdown process: The SmartHomeSec app saves the user’s starting location and begins a countdown based on the estimated time provided. If the user confirms their arrival on time, the operation completes without generating alarms.
- Critical alarm scenario: If the user does not confirm their arrival on time, a critical alarm is triggered, including the starting location and the user’s current location. This allows emergency contacts or the security system to respond quickly and take appropriate action.

Customisable App logo
If a company has a logo applied in the app, it will automatically change when a user from the installing company logs in. More specific details will be sent.

New app UI: support for swipe gestures in the area list on the security page
If the number of areas exceeds the screen width, they can be swiped to show the next areas dynamically and simply.

IP camera preview functionality
An image from the IP camera is now displayed, automatically updating with the latest image on the same home screen.

New app UI: preview of the latest PIRCAMS images
The PIRCAMS images are shown instantly on the home screen, allowing the user to perform all necessary actions from one place.

New app UI: PIN input keypad in the app
The PIN code keypad interface has been improved for a more intuitive user experience.

Step-by-step wizard to add and install any VESTA device
A “Add” button has been added so that installers can add new devices easily and intuitively. The app will guide the technician step by step until the device is fully installed.

Suggestions button to improve service experience
A “Suggestions” button has been added so that users can send their comments directly. When a customer sends a comment, an automated ticket is generated. Frequently repeated requests are automatically prioritised and will be evaluated for future implementation.
The process is simple:
- The user makes the desired request
- The request is received and categorised
- Once the request is implemented, the user is notified by email

Area name change
Now, when adding a new device, the area name will automatically change to a predefined name such as “Area 1”, “Area 2”, etc., to facilitate organisation and recognition.
Support for IR camera battery level
For the new SF1 version PIRCAM, the battery level will now be displayed in the device information list, provided the panel reports it.
Supervision option for pendant
A configuration option for the supervision of pendants has been added for H series and TouchPanel devices, improving security and monitoring.
Link to website guide in the installer menu
A direct link to the By Demes VESTA website guide has been included in the installer menu for quick and easy access to information.
New web UI: updated SmartHomeSec web
To access, click the button to try the new web interface within SmartHomeSec from any browser.

New alarm event
When an alarm event occurs, a dialogue box will appear in the upper right corner, replacing any previous event if a new one occurs.
UI mode switch in the header
A UI mode switch has been added to toggle between light and dark modes, available only for the desktop version.

Download CSV file with sensor logs
An “Export CSV” button has been included to download automation sensor logs in CSV format.
Revision of device and automation icons
Device and automation icons have been updated to a new style, offering a more modern and fresh appearance.
Questions & Answers
Which version should I update to in order to have all the features?
- For VESTA-046 and VESTA-047 control panels: HPGW_G_demes- or higher.
- For VESTA-046N, -047N, -111N, -112N and -113N & SF1 control panels: GL_demes- or higher.
- For VESTA-243 control panels: ESGW_demes- or higher.
How to update?
All updates are published and available for control panels in the update section.