User experience:
Status display of wired zones from the user and installer APP:
- Motion detected
- No motion

Partial device bypassing from the user APP, by partially bypassing a device, this device remains bypassed until the next disarming of the system:

CSV download of logs (Daily, weekly and monthly) of:
🌡️ Temperature.
💦 Humidity
⚡ Consumption in KWh
☀️ Light levels

Visualization of live stream of VESTA cameras from the WEB platform:

Possibility to configure the VESTA camera from SHS:
- Change the duration of video packets recorded on the MICROSD.
- Download recordings from the APP
- Change Time Zone
- Format the MicroSD
- Enable/disable HUMAN detection

Visualization of the status of the different panels from the user and installer APP:

New functionalities:
⭐ Mode change [Arming / Disarming] of different areas with same user.
Possibility to create a USER CODE to perform mode change in different areas of the system.
To change mode from a keypad or APP you have to enter the desired AREA NUMBER + USER CODE.
01: AREA 1
02: AREA 2
03: AREA 3
04: AREA 4
05: AREA 5
06: AREA 6
07: AREA 7
08: AREA 8

From the installer section you can customize the access rights for the user, limit the functions of the user APP and customize which windows are available for each user:
You will be able to enable or disable the following functions for the user:
- Multimedia requests
- Automation
- Cameras
- Notifications
- Events

🔔 Possibility to change the push events reported in the user APP:
- All events
- Alarm only
- Mode change only
- Alarms + mode changes.
- None

New functions in automatic rules:
🧠 Internal memories: internal memories can be used to trigger other rules as well as to have them as conditionals, giving a very important power at the level of more advanced automation logics.
In the system we have 20 internal memories, called
- m00
- m01
- m02
- m03
- m04
- m05
- m06
- m07
- m08
- m09
- m10
- m11
- m12
- m13
- m14
- m15
- m16
- m17
- m18
- m19
As a trigger of the rule allow to change its state:
- State of (internal memory) mxx –> True or False
As conditional of the rule they will allow:
- State of (internal memory) mxx –> True or False
As actions of the rule shall allow:
- Internal memory state change –> mxx –> True or False, True for (Let choose time 1min, 5min ….), True until (Let choose time), toggle (If true go to false and if false go back to true).
Example of use:
- Keep a light on while there is movement on a detector.
- Generate an alarm for inactivity
- Infinite possibilities…
🌐 GET requests [BETA 1.0] from the automatic rules with this function we can integrate with any device/platform that allows through API to execute actions, such as, for example:
- Public Address
- Dissuasive spotlights
- IFTTT (Thousands of integrations with third parties)
- Integration with any equipment platform that allows HTTP GET
- *This integration is in BETA phase
What version do I need to upgrade to in order to have all the features?
- For VESTA-046 and VESTA-047 control panels: HPGW_G_G_demes- or higher
- For control panels VESTA-046N, -047N, -111, -112 and -113: GL_demes- or higher
- For VESTA-243 control panels: ESGW_demes- or higher
- For BOGP control panels: BOGP_demes_2.0.3.6H
How to upgrade?
All updates are published and available for the control panels in the update section.