1) Integration with IP HYUNDAI cameras
1. Integration features:
Plug & Play: automatic IP search system for all HYUNDAI cameras available on the network.
Display of the video stream from the VESTA App (SmartHomeSec).
Capture photos from APP SmartHomeSec.
Link IP cameras to Security zones with automatic photo sequence capture in case of alarm.
2. What is needed?
Any Hybrid panel or via radio panel and Hyundai IP camera WITH SUPPORT FOR (ONVIF/CGI protocols)
[Panel and camera must be on the same network]
3. How do I update my existing panel?
Updates are automatic for all VESTA panels, go to section:
SETTINGS –> PANEL –> UPDATES –> (Apply the latest update.)
4. How to add the camera?
In less than 1 minute the camera is added from the SmartHomeSec or SHS app, simply: we connect the HYUNDAI camera in the same network as the VESTA PANEL, the IP is automatically scanned, we enter our username / password and DONE!
5. What functionality does the user have in the APP?

6. What does the ARC receive?

NOTE: EZVIZ in progress.
2) A self-maintenance control, planning and execution system has been implemented for all VESTA panels
1. What does it consist of?
From BACKEND, companies can:

2. What tests does the panel perform?
RRI (Routine Remote Inspection) content
- Status of AC power
- Show the status of the power supply (AC OK or AC FAIL)
- Panel Battery Status
- Show current battery status (Normal battery, Low battery, No battery or dead)
- Panel last events
- Gives the last 50 panel events
- Show GPRS signal
- Current communication channels
- Show if the panel communicates by ETHERNET and GPRS, GPRS only or Ethernet only
- Zone Resistance (ONLY HYBRID PANELS)
- Gives the zone resistance for hardwired zones
- RF devices Battery State
- Displays the RF zones that are in low battery
- RF RSSI of all devices
- Show the signal level of all devices connected to the panel (Get the RSSI signal level of the last supervision)
- Supervision test
- If there is any device with supervision failure, show it:
3. How is it planned ?
From BACKEND in the section -> Equipment -> Remote inspection routine
3) Bulk loading of configurations using templates:

1. Where are the templates created?
The company with access to BACKEND, can create templates in the section -> Equipment -> Templates

2. How to apply the template?
In the Equipment section -> Mass management -> Apply template (Select panels)
4) Multiple installers access to the same installer account
Now all installers in a company can access the same installer account.
5) Sending SMS in multi-language:
Now you can report by SMS in the following languages:
- Italian [IT]
- Spanish [ES]
- Portuguese [PT]
- French [FR]
- Dutch [NL]
1. How is it configured?
In the report section -> SMS (Add the URL): sms: // TEXT @ Telephone_Number / TEXT / ES
What versions must be updated to have the new improvements?
- From version .26G (It is available for all control panels, for auto updates)